During cold weather like that which we are expecting to arrive any time now, it is important to make sure that your garden birds continue to get access to food and water.
Female blackbird on the bird table.
The impending cold weather means that it's vitally important now to make sure that bird feeders are in good condition and well supplied with food. It doesn't take my feeders long to get a little bit clogged up where moisture creeps in. A good shake can free it up a bit but at the end of last week I dismantled them and gave them a thorough clean and wash. Doing this from time to time is also important as a precaution against disease.
Equally important to the birds and other animals, especially during severe cold, is a reliable supply of fresh water. Virtually any shallow receptacle will do for this (an upturned bin lid is very good), but you should aim to replenish and refresh the water every day.