Space For Nature
Garden biodiversity forum

Gallery: Garden projects

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From this gallery, you can gain access to photographs taken during a number of different garden projects.

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LinkUtilising the space under a deck

These pictures illustrate how even the space under a deck (or shed) can be utilised for the benefit of wildlife. Follow this link for the full feature article: Under the boardwalk.

LinkExperimenting with a temporary wildflower meadow

These pictures illustrate how you can turn your lawn into a wildflower meadow by stopping mowing for a few weeks in the summer. Follow this link for the full feature article: The flowery hiccup.

LinkPlanting a new mixed native hedge

These pictures illustrate the planting of a new hedge of mixed native species. For the full story see the feature article: Planting a new mixed native species hedge.

LinkCreating a wildlife-friendy semi-formal pond

These pictures illustrate various stages in the construction of a semi-formal wildlife-friendly pond in my garden. Follow this link for the full feature article: Creating a wildlife-friendly pond.

LinkVarious pond pictures

These pictures illustrate various aspects of creating and maintaining a wildlife friendly pond.

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