The book's subtitle,
a practical handbook, describes it very well. Although much smaller than
Chris Baine's book, it is very densely packed with information and makes an ideal quick reference when you need to get your hands on all the relevant practical information quickly.
Hill, F. 2000. Wildlife Gardening. Derby, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust. ISBN 1 871444 00 4.
Softback. 17.5x25.5cm. 70 pages.
The Wildlife Trusts have had a hand in the production or publication of much of the popular literature on the subject of wildlife gardening. This book, published by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust, is one of their main contributions.
I don't think that you will find another book more densely packed with practical information for the wildlife gardener.I don't think that you will find another book more densely packed with practical information for the wildlife gardener. There are, for example, new fewer than
eighteen separate lists of plants (both native and non-native) suitable for different situations within the wildlife garden.
If you don't get this book dirty, you're not using it properly!It probably contains all the practical information of Chris Baine's
How to Make a Wildlife Garden but without the wide-ranging discussions on the moral and sociological aspects. As such it is an ideal book to use when you need to go straight to the practical information for a particular garden project. If you don't get this book dirty, you're not using it properly!