Jacobi Jayne stock just about every 'gadget' that the wildlife gardener could wish for, from bird, ladybird and hedgehog houses to a complete range of bird food and the excellent Droll Yankees bird feeders.
Jacobi Jayne are endorsed by the British Trust for Ornithology (
BTO) and therefore come highly recommended. They are particularly well known for stocking the distinctive
Schwegler 'woodcrete' range of nestboxes which are exceedingly robust and very popular with the birds - a good alternative to the more tradition wooden boxes (although many people prefer the aesthetics of the more traditional designs).
I found the website a little hard to navigate and use (August 2003). If you want to order on-line, you need to use a free-from 'order pad' to write out your order and then submit it. Some people might find this easier than a normal internet 'shopping cart', but those used to the latter method will miss it. I also found it hard to see what products were on offer from the website - I suspect that you are intended to request a copy of the catalogue first and browse for what you want in that. Its worth persevering though because of the quality of the product range.