Diary: Autumn 2005 and Winter 2005/2006 |  |
This is a cross between a calendar for wildlife gardeners and a diary relating what's going on in a wildlife garden. The calendar aspect is to provide you with timely information about things you can be doing over the course of the gardening year to make your garden more attractive to wildlife. The diary aspect shows you what sort of things you can expect to see, hear and feel in an average, less than perfect, suburban garden: my own.
Previous diary entries (>previous) All previous diaray and calendar entries are arranged under this section. |
Diary and calendar
Wired for sound and vision21st February 2006 in the garden diary...
Watching garden wildlife has just taken on a new dimension for me with the installation of a remote CCTV camera.
Big Garden Birdwatch28th January 2006 in the garden diary...
This weekend I did my bit for the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch and enjoyed a pleasant hour just watching for a change.
Winter sunshine triggers late activity11th December 2005 in the garden diary...
Despite being well into December, it was T-shirt weather in the garden today and there were some welcome reminders of warmer seasons.
Shake Rattle and Rake19th October 2005 in the garden diary...
There are not many flowers whose seeds can be sown straight into a meadow sward, but here's one that can.
Autumn jewels27th September 2005 in the garden diary...
Here we are well into September, but over the last week or two I think that I've seen more butterflies in my garden than I have over the whole summer; and it's all thanks to one plant.
Amazing life-form in pond17th September 2005 in the garden diary...
I've written many times before about the amazing diversity of life to be found in and around my pond. This week it served up organisms from neither the plant nor animal kingdoms!
Rare bird spotted!6th September 2005 out and about...
Okay this wasn't in my garden - but it's too good to leave out of the diary!
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